Post 01 – An Introduction


Hello. My name is Tyler and I am a writer. No, not one that actually has a job in the profession, but one probably just like you. I spend most of my time hunched over a laptop working away at a script, short story, or simply an idea that will most likely never actually earn me a dollar. I don’t share these projects with anyone, I constantly question my talent, effort, and dedication to the art form, and like 99% of you…I absolutely love it.

I’m hoping to hear from as many of you as I possibly can as this blog develops, grows, and (hopefully) branches out to a spectrum of aspiring writers. I write to you as an equal, not some snarky know-it-all type that is trying to tell you how to become the next Aaron Sorkin, or telling you that becoming the next Aaron Sorkin is impossible.

This will be a platform to share ideas, review what’s new, offer tips, and encourage you all to keep pushing! Whether you’re living in your parent’s basement tooling away at a fantastic new sci-fi spec (all stereotypes aside, I promise), pecking away at a script in your dorm room, or writing in laser pen on Mercury, I don’t care!

I want to hear how you approach your projects, what interests you, what attracts you to writing, and what’s inspiring you right now.

I hope to foster a community where writers of all kinds can come together and commiserate. Mostly, I will be sharing my personal thoughts, opinions, and tips (it’s my blog remember?) about all things writing. Take them or leave them. Again, I am no professional, just someone who loves the craft, and hopes to call it his “job” one day.

So welcome to Slug Line! I’m glad you’re here. Drop a comment below and share your story.